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Design Projects

Dilio Design



Concrete is a pure but sophisticated material which bring us a special sensation which begins with purity but ends beyond imagination. Our client created a product with a tranquil atmosphere given a name "LONELY...", thereby stimulating us to deliberate about how to comply with the essential of this product "LONELY...".


Without impurities, black is a more powerful in depicting the color of lonely, which we designed the characters "LONELY..." in dots glimmering in diverse angles. Meanwhile,  the assembly of different small boxes suits the idea of many components such as main product, the tube, and the character. While you open the package, the experience like opening a present shall be a memorable impression.


Last but not the least, the graphics on tube and bottle try to bring up some delight while you enjoy yourself with LONELY..., which we intentionally highlighted ONE in lonely. Fun and fine is the way our client modeled the products and also the process we all enjoyed. 


Dilio Design 



Limited packaging design


Taipei, Taiwan

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